
Progetto Erasmus+Spagna

Siamo lieti di annunciare che il progetto di scambio giovanile “Express it: EU+Immigration+Refugees” è stato accettato dall’Agenzia nazionale spagnola. Coinvolge 34 partecipanti provenienti da Repubblica Ceca, Grecia, Portogallo, Italia, Turchia e Spagna.
Questo nuovo progetto ERASMUS+ si svolgerà in Spagna dal 23 marzo al 1° aprile del 2017 a Jerez de la Frontera / Campano,  ogni paese sarà presente con 5 persone (4 partecipanti e 1 capogruppo). I partecipanti devono essere 18-30 anni e i leader del gruppo possono essere di qualsiasi età (+18). Il genere del leader del gruppo è libero, ma i partecipanti dovrebbero essere 2 maschi e 2 femmine.


I progetti di mobilità giovanile Erasmus+ sono dei meeting vagliati e finanziati dalla Commissione  Europea tramite gli uffici nazionali, in cui 30-40 ragazzi provenienti da tutta Europa si incontrano per 7-10 giorni in un unico luogo. Qui devono condividono le giornate e svolgere dei workshop per approfondire temi legati alla cittadinanza europea. I costi sono interamente coperti dal finanziamento entro certi limiti.
AJ Inter e Amici del Villaggio fanno parte della rete europea di enti e associazioni Erasmus+ tramite registrazione EACEA.

Jerez de la Frontera


In EXPRESS IT, we will talk about a current debate about immigration & refugees in Europe, to express young people’ opinions & experiences using artistic methods.
We’ll learn about migration process that is comprised of any kind of movement of:
- individuals or group of people;
- Refugees
- displaced people
- uprooted people
- economic migrants
Theatre of the Oppressed is a range of techniques, games and exercises, using embodied narrative to support the empowerment & liberation of individuals & their communities. It is designed for people who don't have any experience in acting or expressing themselves on the stage.
The approach was developed by Augusto Boal in South America, and has been used all over the world in the building of community, to dynamite social engagement, and to support individuals to realize their creative potential for personal & social transformation. The theatre of the Oppressed will help us to understand immigration & refugees situation in Europe, to restore optimism and trust, to find new solutions with their peers’ help and gain confidence.


-Know European values and analze how they are materialized in Europe.
-To analyze and discuss the responses of each country to the refugee crisis and increase of immigration, policies and support mechanisms that the EU offers to immigrants and refugees.
-To analze main causes of the current situation of immigration and refugee crises, including internal and external sources of oppression.
-Share opinions and experiences of participants in situations of exclusion in similarity to the experiences of immigrants and refugees.
-Make proposals for integration and tolerance based on European values using video theater.
-To campaign against xenophobia in social networks to foster integration & tolerance & to promote European values.
In their abilities. We’ll have a theatre exhibition in Social Centre for young people. We will also use games, simulations, debates & create a campaign in social media against xenophobia.

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